Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program May Issue. A Personal Journey of Divine Remembering by Franny Harcey, HTCP, Healing Touch Instructor
As I reflect on my journey over the past ten years, I have to smile as I remember all the wonderful people who have touched my life and have helped me evolve. The instructor for my very first Healing Touch class was with one of Healing Touch Program’s Elders, Nancy Burns. I remember sitting there during the first 30 minutes of class, watching, listening and absorbing all the energy information and I thought to myself; “This is what I am supposed to be doing with my life. Energy work”, and to this day Nancy continues to bless me with her wisdom.
Healing Touch is the foundation of all the work and exploration I have done since that beginning class. Working with Janet Mentgen, as my mentor, only helped facilitate my deep personal growth and self discovery. Janet would say — (maybe not these exact words, but close) “Healing Touch is the structure with which we only begin our work. It is important to have a structure so that we may expand on it.”
Taking Janet’s words to heart, I delved into reading over one hundred books, studied under many teachers of different energy based and body centered therapies, and continue to embrace each new learning experience with the eyes of a beginner.
As of late, I have spent time with Rudy Noel, who graciously blessed Janet with the Mind Clearing and Hopi Technique that are taught in the Healing Touch Program. Rudy reminds me of this very thing as well — “We build from the basics and always have techniques and tools to pull from our tool belts.” Rudy strives and has taught me to strive to never settle for a technique, but to continue questioning and developing ourselves with a feverish desire to not only live from a place of pure love, but to truly “be” that love in every moment.
Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program April issue. Creating a Healing Practice By Janet Mentgen, BSN, RN, HNC, HTCP/I, Founder of Healing Touch
Creating a Healing Practice
There are many things to consider when creating a healing practice. The practice needs to fit with your personality, your lifestyle, your values. Rushing into a practice is often costly and unsuccessful. Spend the necessary time imaging how your practice is to look. Work your plan on paper many times before making any financial investment. Set your goals and plans with an orientation to the future. Think about the practice in terms of the first year and years to come.
Definition of practice
A descriptive definition of the practice is a first step. Some types of practice include:
• private practice
• practice within a work setting – hospital, clinic
• practice with family or friends
• volunteer practice – hospice, cancer, A.I.D.S.
• church or ministry practice – parish nurse
• educational practice – teaching
Develop a vision of your practice
Being able to image your practice is helpful. Let it develop like a dream or visualization. Examine all aspects of the image and see yourself practicing successfully in the space.

My chronological age, not to be announced, places me at the inception of the “Me” generation, which could have catapulted me into a life of ease. A workday assessing the cacao content of bon bons followed by a chauffer-driven excursion to the mall to buy yet another pair of vital black shoes. Unfortunately, I did not read the small print – “Me” came to mean if there is a hole, fill it, even if it is in someone else’s backyard; a job incomplete, a need, problem, or emotion to assuage; it is my job. Being a “Caretaker” is similar to being the “vacuumer,” the vacuum, and the electric charge, all at once. You end up exhausted and pick up “stuff” that was not yours in the first place.
Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program April 2009 issue. A Healing, Caring Circle for Seniors
by Bernardine A. Clarke “Bernie,” MS, RN, HTCP/I, FAAN
It’s Tuesday afternoon about three-fifteen and we begin to gather in a large room with chairs forming a circle. By three-thirty there are 10 to 20 seniors from our retirement community present plus some Healing Touch people from the wider community and we begin by sharing our current joys and concerns—a new grandchild, a 60th wedding anniversary, an aching knee or shoulder, or an upcoming surgery. As we settle I lower the lights, start meditative music and we begin by balancing the energy field and centers, then extending our hand toward the center of the circle to send healing energy to those named in word or in thought. By this time it is about three-forty-five and we focus on bringing healing energy to our concerns of the day.
Our group is fluid and often we have a new member who comes with a friend or on their own to see what we are about. Emphasis
after meditation is focused on energy treatments related to what the individuals bring to the circle. Physical aches and pains usually respond to voice guided Basic Healing Touch Sequence using Magnetic Clearing, Ultrasound, and/or Pain Drain. Mind Clearing is often selected if the entire group seems upset by some recent happening such as 911 which occurred on a Tuesday
morning in 2001. That day we all arrived in great stress, concerned about what was to those happening those involved.
Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program February Issue Ecology of Mind by Corinne Crockett, RN, Grad.Diploma Nursing, CHTP, RSI Interim Practitioner
“My Dad died of high blood pressure at 50, I know I am next.” How many times have you heard someone tell you that the health concerns of their elders would surely be visited
upon them? It may come as a relief and asurprise to know that the relatively new science
of epigenetics reveals that belief systems have more to do with our health than does our genetics.
Originally published in Energy Magazine: The official Publication of the Healing Touch Program February Issue Six Pillars of Energy Medicine by Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D.
In the ten years since the publication of our first book together, Energy Medicine, we have seen the world begin to re-embrace the ancient art of energy healing. More than three hundred practitioners have completed our two-year Certification Program in the past three years and tens of thousands of individuals have taken classes from us this past decade. What was seen as strange and woo-woo is becoming the respected cutting edge of health care — and for good reason.
Energy Medicine (EM) is accurate, efficient, and cost-effective. It is based on a different model than conventional medicine, which focuses on the biochemistry of cells, tissue, and organs.