JoAnne Veith

I am a Registered Nurse and a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner and Instructor. I believe every individual can experience self-healing through sessions designed to allow the deep relaxation and integration necessary to promote health and wellness for the whole person – Body, Mind and Spirit. I began my nursing career in 2005 and continually felt I was missing something while working with my patients. I felt I could and should be able to offer more than medications. I found that patients responded better when I had time to talk with them, hold a hand, provide light touch and create a therapeutic environment for their healing. As most of us know, today’s nurses don’t have much time for that, and patients and clinicians are missing out on this basic human need. In 2016 I took my first Healing Touch class through the certified education program provided through the Healing Touch Program. From the minute I stepped foot in that classroom, met my instructor and future mentor, I knew I had found what I was missing - I felt at home. I continued my training through certification, and am also an instructor and mentor for others who wish to become Healing Touch Practitioners. I worked as a nurse auditor within the New York State Department of Health and after several decades - retired from that career. Currently, I am the Director of the Center for Complementary Therapies at St. Mary’s Hospital in Amsterdam, NY and also maintain a private practice in the Capital Region. I am married to a wonderful man and have a beautiful and bright 24-year-old daughter – who are the lights in my life. I grew up in Troy, NY and still reside in the Capital District. I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential for health and wellness.