M. Anne Boyd

Anne, after 25 years as Spirituial study group leader, and Shaman Journey presenter, was trained in the 80's by Janet Mentgen and her core group; and became Certified as Healing Touch Instructor and Practitioner. She has been teaching since, in the U.S.and as volunteer to Romania over several years. She also teaches Life Force Healing and other energy work. And she adds Reikli Master, Hypnotherapist, and Intuitive Healer/Consultant credentials, to her practice. In 2006 she earned a Master of Divinity Degree and was ordained Minsiter of Peace with the Beloved Community. Anne traveled with Janet Mentgen and an HT teaching group to Australia/New Zealand three times in HT's early years..and was inspired to draw angels; later created quilted energy pillows and gemstone pendulums. A few years ago, Anne taught the first HT class especially for nurses at Asheville's Mission Hospital's meeting room (thanks to the dedication of two HT nurses there). Now, Anne often reminds folks that Mission has chosen Healing Touch as their Integrative Medicine. And states, "folks are finding those of us in Healing Touch Program, everywhere!" Anne is available to teach Healing Touch Levels 1, 2 and 3 anywhere in the U.S.